highly sensitive people

You are the gentle souls created to make life infinitely more meaningful.

Discovering I was a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) was life-changing for me. Instead of trying to hide my deep emotions, I began to embrace my sensitivity and view it as a blessing rather than a curse. My greatest desire is to see HSPs begin to nurture and nourish their gift of sensitivity.

Highly Sensitive mothers are particularly vulnerable to experiencing overwhelm and nervous system dysregulation, as they are processing a lot more in their daily lives on top of the role of mothering. As a result, it is important for HSP mothers to understand their trait and how to be nurtured and nourished in order to experience a healthy and fulfilling motherhood.

High Sensitivity, or Sensory Processing Sensitivity, as its known in scientific literature, is not just a made up name. It is a researched trait that is seen in roughly 1 in 5 people. In a world of predominantly non-HSPs, it’s easy to see why you might feel as if you don’t fit in sometimes. Maybe you weren’t meant to fit in to this world, but instead contribute to the creation of a more beautiful world.

signs of being highly sensitive

According to Elaine Aron, author of best-selling book “The Highly Sensitive Person”, you may be a HSP if you:
- Process things deeply, e.g. taking time to make decisions
- Are more easily overstimulated. You might find yourself stressed by loud noises or chaotic environments. For HSPs, it is especially important to care for the nervous system as it is more easily dysregulated.
- Experience emotions deeply. Perhaps you’ve felt like your reactions to events or stimuli are “over the top” or “dramatic”. Maybe you cry during conflict or whilst watching a sad part of a movie that doesn’t seem to have the same effect on most other people. You may also be deeply moved by beauty, such as a magnificent sunset or a song that seems to touch your soul.
- Are aware of subtleties. Do you feel that you notice other people’s moods easily, and that they affect you? Do you notice a slight change in weather more readily than most?

My promise.

I often work with highly sensitive women and have the unique opportunity to allow them to feel seen, heard and held during their wellness and nourishment journeys through life and the seasons of motherhood. As an HSP myself, I balance a gentle and compassionate approach with the honesty and accountability you need to breakthrough from stagnancy.
Highly sensitive people have the power and vision to create great change in the world, but often give so much of themselves to do so.
I promise to remind you that you are worthy of nourishment.

“Now, more than ever, our society is in need of sensitive and empathetic people. Now, more than ever, the human race needs to go inwards and connect with the Soul again. As natural born healers, intuitives, and mentors, it is not only our responsibility but also our destiny to help humanity heal”

— Aletheia Luna